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Commercial Roofing Long Beach - CVS Building Roofed With Single Ply PVC

Commercial Roofing Long Beach - CVS Building Roofed With Single Ply PVC


This commercial roofing Long Beach project was a great team effort by Level 1 Roofing and the building owners in providing a long-lasting no dollar limit warranty commercial flat roof. This particular roofing installation was for an existing building that has been remodeled. Level 1 Roofing was contracted to install a warrantied GAF single-ply PVC roof. We laid a foundation of Den’s Deck down before mechanically attaching the PVC membrane rolls and heat welding the seams to be fully water-tight. The Den’s Deck allows for the roof to have a class A fire rating. Very important to have a fire resistant roof in the LA area.

This bright white commercial roof system will cut energy costs drastically compared to a darker hot-mop or built-up roofing system, especially in the Long Beach / Los Angeles sun. Not only does the bright white reflect 87 percent of solar energy. The EverGuard PVC also has a .88 emissivity value. Both the reflective and emissive value are from 3rd party testing agency ASTM. These values well exceed energy star and California’s Title 24 regulations for cool roofing and energy savings.

On the environmental side, single-ply roofing is a much green alternative to using an older system like an asphalt built-up roof. Not only in the previously mentioned cool roof energy factor but also in the material itself as well as the installation process. Fewer fumes and harmful vapors are released into the air compared to asphalt-based roofing. Single-ply roofing systems also lend themselves much better to being recycled. With such great environmental and fiscal benefits compared to many other low slope roof types, it’s no wonder this commercial roofing Long Beach project chose a single-ply roofing product. It is becoming the standard in sunny and wet places across Southern California and much of the country.

If you have any questions for us or want a free quote for your project, give us a call at 916-258-7393 or send us an email at [email protected]